ชุดทดสอบหาค่ากำลังรับแรงเฉือนของดินเหนียวอ่อนในสนาม 30 m.

Field Vane Shear Test 30 M.

ชุดทดสอบหาค่ากำลังรับแรงเฉือนของดินเหนียวอ่อนในสนาม ( Field Vane Shear )

ยี่ห้อ GEONOR Model H-10 ตามมาตรฐาน ASTM

The Geonor H-10 Field Vane Shear Apparatus is a fully protected,pressure push-in, field vane instrument. No rod-soil friction is possible due to its tube-protected rods. No need either to check the vane, nor to clean it between each shearing (clay adhering to the vane may increase its area ratio considerably).

The protection shoe of the Geonor H-10 not only protects the vane but also cleans it automatically before each measurement. The shoe is particu­larly useful for testing in stratified, sandy, stony and marine sediment clays


  • Detailed field investigation of undrained shear strength and sensitivity of soft and medium stiff clays
  • From 0 to 30 meters by hand jack, even through hard layers of clay, sand or silt
  • Two vane sizes. Measurement range from 0 to 60 kPa and 0 to 100 kPa
  • Top-level accuracy results, can be used for the design of earth fill foundations and embank­ments

Technical Specs

  • Installation: Pressure push-in, no hammering. By hand with the Geonor ground-anchored jacking system or with a hydraulic drilling rig.
  • Instrument: Gear driven, accuracy of torque reading: + – 0.5% of range.
  • Measurement range: 0-60 kPa (0-6 T/m2) and 0-100 kPa (0-10 T/m2)






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